Here you will find news and social media entries about crewed, single-handed or double-handed offshore sailing with the Dehler 30 one design.
offshore sailing News Dehler 30 one design

Five Dehler30 onedesign at the Blueribbon 2020
In sometimes quite rough conditions around Funen, including a very long cross towards Langeland, the crews of five Dehler30 onedesign have fought it out in this year's Blueribboncup who is currently the fastest in the country. This time (again) Power Play with Oliver Schmidt-Rybandt, Felix Hauß and Julia Röttger was first over the finish line with the gennaker pole, closely followed by Joint Venture with Uwe Barthel Johannes Christophers, Juliane Barthel and Christoph Wähling. Third place went to Hajo Hensel with his Tutto Bene and Hauke Sponholz and Jan Wilkens.Next event will be Kieler Woche, where seven Dehler30 ondesign are entered, the largest field of our new class so far. (Photos and videos can also be seen on Instagram #dehler30odclassassociation).
The Dehler 30 one design class is conquering international waters: whether in Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Greece or...
Gepostet von Dehler 30 one design class association am Donnerstag, 11. März 2021
Happy international women's day! We are proud that many female sailors have already taken the helm on the Dehler 30 one...
Gepostet von Dehler 30 one design class association am Montag, 8. März 2021